Thursday, 27 June 2013

Exclusive Personal Approach at Electrostar

Hi Folks, I m Neetu from Delhi, I m housewife with 3 bright kids. I bought one power inverter in Aug 2012, to mitigate the discomfort of power failure in humid summer. But just the next month, it started giving troubles as it could not perform up-to the expectation and needed frequent re-charging in a day. I notified the problem with dealer who sent the company engineers to my place. They inspected the machine and checked for the purchase slip and guarantee card and took away the faulty battery only to return with new one, after 3 days.

Now, the inverter is working fine and I have been apologized for having faced short trouble. I marveled at the ethical approach the ElectroStar guys implement in otherwise crafty practices. Bravo ElectroStar…!!!

Likewise, Electrostar Electronics have also been providing best launch pad to several of the young minds who have shown amazing intellect while studying for degree or diploma in electrical engineering. Hence to provide suitable platform, diploma and degree holders can access Electrostar for undergoing internship and to learn while still in early twenties.

Besides, Electrostar have also included the feedback space on their website where they more than welcome the opinions, suggestions and reviews of the end consumers or the general public, regarding their products and services. And for such an effort, the organization has been hailed by UP government during the recent commemoration of consumer rights campaign.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Electrostar Electronics: Bright Future For youngsters

Electrostar Electronics has been providing a suitable launch pad to youngsters who want to adhere to a glorious career in electrical engineering. If a candidate is a diploma or a degree holder and ready to undertake a fundamental qualifying test, then there exists a vast field of learning and earning money and fame. Moreover, it has been established that Electrostar Electronics has been transformed into a world class appliance company as they are able to export some CFL items and power inverters to gulf countries. Besides, there presents a bunch of world acclaimed engineers at Electrostar which make them the best electronics company in India.

Entrance Test:   Initially, candidates are expected to take a qualifying test which makes them eligible to join the world of excellence and quality manufacturing. As such, candidates should also be assertive and bold enough to appear for any test.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Useful Data: ElectroStar Electronic Recovery Solutions

Data refer to collection of facts and figures which reflect our business or professional growth as well as some personal referrals too. We store and access such data on various modern day devices like desktops, laptops, smart phones and/ or tablets. However, such a scenario also represents a dicey situation as data could get corrupted (damaged) or lost completely forever owing to digital viruses present elsewhere.

As is commonly known that necessity is the mother of invention and in same context, as there were viruses which are basically a class of software programs aimed at eliminating data were created, likewise, there are written such savior programs too which would recover the lost data. As such, there are various technology oriented companies that aim at providing the useful data recovery solutions which would eventually help us to retain the lost or damaged data to the maximum limit. Here we like to step in to proclaim that we are Electro Star Electronics, we are the leading manufacturer of quality electrical goods in North India. Now we are also into the data recovery field as well under the brand name Electrostar Electronics Recovery Solutions.

We at, Electro star Electronics Recovery, aim at providing expert guidance and 100% data recovery solutions without any damage being caused to the device. We repair and maintain the devices’ hard disks with minute care while recovering lost gems. We harbor a vast pool of experienced and skilful engineers at our workplace and with their diligent efforts, we managed to progress into a well established electronics firm, catering to the diverse needs for power and lighting devices. But now, ElectroStar Electronics Services have also entered the data recovery problems too and have been assisting businesses into overcoming the perils of data damage or losts. 

Saturday, 15 June 2013

ElectroStar Electronics: Milestone to Electrical Advancement

ElectroStar Electronics has been the most advanced and innovative effort in the field of electrical engineering in India. They have been manufacturing series of quality electronic products like CFLs, mobile chargers, power inverters, UPS, adapters and CFL raw materials.

Electro Star Electronics have been best owed with an ISO 9001:2008 certification for its relentless quality efforts in the field of manufacturing, marketing and trading in standard electronic products. The unbeatable expertise of Electro star has been acknowledged in products like CFLs, mobile chargers, CFL raw materials, CFL PCB, and CFL PCB circuit boards. Let us explore each of these items and their utilities and Electro Star role in their refinements.
  • CFLs: It stands for Compact Fluorescent Lamp and these tiny lamps are used in place of regular bulbs in bulk now a days, everywhere. There widespread usage is attributed to the fact that they consume minimal electricity as compared to traditional bulbs. Besides, CFLs function for lengthier time periods as well and many leading manufacturers (including Electro star) also provide guarantee of some couple of years on them. Hence, within a short span of time and through perpetual and diligent efforts, Electro Star electronics has become the most prominent CFL manufacturer in Noida which caters to the power saving needs from whole of North India. Our CFL brands are widely preferred and used in homes and offices and to add value to our services, we provide replacement guarantee as well on selected CFL products. We have been highly overwhelmed by the encouragement we have received from our distributers, suppliers, traders and end consumers.
  • Mobile chargers: Mobile phones have become the need of the hour and as such everyone among us has one and we rely upon it for all his personal and professional communication. Mobile phones’ battery needs to be charged for its prolonged usage and we mostly look for more than a single charger for various reasons. Hence here, we wish to proclaim that we are an expert manufacturer of mobile phone chargers in Noida. Our mobile charging products have shown a profound compatibility with various global brands of cellular phones, like Nokia, Samsung, LG and micromax. We are encouraged by the sales records and motivational response from our sales and marketing teams which have made us the leading brand in the field of Mobile Chargers.
  • CFL Raw Materials: As we were highly pleased with the promising response from CFL sales, throughout North India, hence Electro Star disembarked on a plan to produce CFL raw materials production centre. As such, we fabricate and compose the circuits of CFL PCBs from minimal 5 watts to 85 watts. PCB stands for Printed Circuit Board and is a significant circuitary component present inside CFLs and the whole CFL performance depend upon it. Hence, Electro Star has become a major producer of quality CFL PCB circuits in Noida.  Such CFL PCBs are available under a guarantee scheme of replacement and can perform for up to 5 years under normal usage conditions.
All these products have been received warmly by the end consumers and the level of satisfaction is directly reflected by the company’s sales records. Therefore, we continue to cruise further in our efforts to transform India into a totally enlightened nation, in both ways.